Carbon Fiber Reinforcement Cost - HORSE Construction

Carbon Fiber Reinforcement Cost

Carbon Fiber Reinforcement                 Carbon Fiber Reinforcement Material

Carbon fiber materials are used in many structural reinforcement projects, inculding unidirectional carbon fiber cloth, carbon fiber mesh, and carbon fiber plate. The price of carbon fiber reinforcement is very cost-effective, and the long-term benefits are also very good. This is one of the reasons why many constructior and owner choose carbon fiber reinforcement to reinforce buildings with quality problems.

There are relatively many factors that affect the charging level of carbon fiber reinforcement. For example, the exploration costs of the building site, the material inspection fees before entering the site, the material costs and labor costs of the reinforcement links, and the quality inspection fees after the completion of the construction, each link will affect the overall cost of the reinforcement construction. Before carrying out reinforcement construction on the house, it is necessary to have a sufficient understanding of the house, and then according to the specific problems of the house, can we prepare a sufficient reinforcement budget and formulate a more feasible reinforcement plan.

What is the cost of carbon fiber strengthening reinforcement?

1. The cost of carbon fiber materials and structural glue

There are various types of carbon fiber materials sold on the market. The market prices of carbon fiber materials of different quality grades are naturally different. If you use ordinary carbon fiber materials and glue, if you look at the material cost alone, it generally costs about 100 to 300 yuan per square meter. If you use high-quality carbon fiber materials and glue, the material cost is naturally more. of. The market price of some relatively high-quality carbon fiber materials often costs nearly 1,000 yuan.

2. The labor cost of the construction master

When construction masters use carbon fiber materials to reinforce buildings, there are often two charging methods, one is to charge per day, and the other is to charge according to the construction area. Although the two charging methods are different, the reinforcement costs incurred after the completion of the reinforcement construction will not differ too much. The construction units entrusting the reinforcement work have different reputations and different reinforcement qualification levels, so the final reinforcement costs are naturally different. On the whole, if the customer entrusts the reinforcement work to a relatively well-known reinforcement unit, the reinforcement cost required after the completion of the reinforcement construction is often relatively high. If it is to cooperate with a well-known reinforcement unit, although the fee level is relatively low, there is no guarantee that the final reinforcement quality can be 100% passed the acceptance.

3. The cost of material testing

If carbon fiber materials are used to reinforce the building, the quality of the carbon fiber materials used should be tested before the reinforcement construction, and which items should be tested according to the reinforcement requirements? Some test items have a relatively high level of individual charges, and customers need to be clear about this aspect.

4. the cost of reinforcement quality acceptance

After the completion of the reinforcement construction, the reinforcement quality also needs to be checked and accepted. Although the operation steps of carbon fiber reinforcement are not complicated, as long as suitable carbon fiber materials can be selected and construction is carried out in accordance with industry reinforcement specifications, high-quality reinforcement effects can usually be achieved. After the completion of the reinforcement construction of the building, whether it is carried out by an experienced construction master or a novice, the customer needs to carry out the quality acceptance of the building in order to know the final reinforcement quality.

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