Points for Attention in Carbon Fiber Structural Reinforcement

Points for Attention in Carbon Fiber Structure Reinforcement Technology

Points for Attention in Carbon Fiber Structural Reinforcement

Design regulations:

1. The on-site measured concrete strength grade of the reinforced concrete member shall not be lower than C15, and the positive tensile bonding strength of the concrete surface shall not be lower than 1.5MPa.

So, why should the measured strength of concrete be specified? ! A professional explanation is given in the "Code for Design of Reinforcement of Concrete Structures" GB50367-2013:

If the strength of the original structure is too low, then the bonding strength between it and the fiber composite material will inevitably be reduced, and brittle peeling damage is prone to occur. In this case, the carbon fiber composite material cannot exert its strength.

At the same time, we also need to process the base surface, polish the edges and corners (the arc radius is not less than 25mm), dry treatment, etc. For details, please refer to the "Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Building Structure Reinforcement Engineering" GB50550-2010.

2. When reinforced concrete structural members are reinforced with fiber composite materials, the fiber force mode should be designed to only bear tensile stress.

3. The "Code for Design of Reinforcement of Concrete Structures" GB50367-2013 makes it clear that the long-term use temperature should not be higher than 60°C. But it should be pointed out that this is determined in accordance with the performance of ordinary adhesives under normal temperature conditions. This restriction is not required when using high-temperature adhesives, but it should be subject to the current national standard "Specifications for Concrete Design" GB 50010 for concrete structures to withstand productive high temperatures.

4. Unloading treatment: The significance of the unloading treatment is to reduce the influence of the secondary stress, that is, to reduce the hysteresis strain of the fiber composite material, so that the reinforced structure can make full use of the strength of the fiber material.

5. Fire protection requirements: When the reinforced components have fire protection requirements, the fiber composite materials should be protected according to the fire protection grade and fire resistance limit specified by the national standard.

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