Externally Bonded Steel Reinforcement VS Pasted Steel Plate

Is the externally bonded steel reinforcement method the same as the pasted steel plate method?

1   Is the externally bonded steel reinforcement method the same as the pasted steel plate method?

The answer is-not the same!

Although the two reinforcement methods have the words "sticky" and "steel", they are different reinforcement methods. Let's sort through a mind map first.

structural strengthening method

It can be clearly seen from the figure that the outer profile steel reinforcement method and the pasted steel plate reinforcement method are in a parallel relationship. The outer-coated steel reinforcement method is divided into external-bonded steel reinforcement method and non-bonded outer-coated steel reinforcement method according to its connection with the original member. Refer to the classification of GB50367-2013 "Code for Design of Reinforcement of Concrete Structures".

2   the definitions of the two are different

The method of sticking steel plate reinforcement is to use building structural glue. According to the design requirements of reinforcement and reinforcement, the steel plate, section steel, etc. are directly pasted on the surface of the structure to be reinforced, so that the pasted steel plate works together with the original structure to achieve the purpose of strengthening and enhancing the strength and rigidity of the original structure.

 steel plate reinforcement

Baotou steel reinforcement is also known as the outsourcing steel reinforcement method. The outsourcing steel frame can completely or partially replace the original components to achieve the purpose of reinforcement. The outer-clad steel reinforcement method is divided into the following bonding methods:

1) Non-bonded outer-clad steel reinforcement method, also known as dry-clad steel reinforcement method, refers to directly outsourcing the profile steel to the original member without bonding to the original member. Or although it is filled with cement mortar, it cannot guarantee the effective transmission of the shear force of the joint surface, and it cannot work as a whole. It can only be reinforced by the outer steel with a single force.

2) Externally bonded steel reinforcement method, also known as wet-enclosed steel reinforcement method. It is to weld angle steel, steel plate and other section steel into a framework, and outsourcing it to be reinforced beams, columns and other components. In the meantime, it is bonded by pouring concrete or pouring cement-based grout or epoxy resin adhesive. At present, epoxy resin adhesive is used for filling.

Externally bonded steel reinforcement

3    The difference between the two

3.1 The externally bonded steel method has welding, but the pasted steel plate method does not necessarily have welding. Since the main component of the structural adhesive for filling is still organic epoxy, it is afraid of high temperature, so as long as there is welding work, the steel plate must be installed first, and after the installation is completed, the seam sealant is used to seal the edge and then the glue is poured.

3.2 The amount of glue used for the externally bonded steel method and the bonded steel plate method is also different. The glue used in the steel plate method is thick and requires more fillers; the glue used in the outer stick steel method is liquid and requires less filler.

3.3 The construction process is different. In simple terms, the method of pasting steel plate is to apply glue first and then anchoring, and the method of externally bonding steel is to leave the gap first, and then inject the glue.

3.4 The method of sticking steel plate has requirements on the strength of base concrete. The external bonding steel method requires lower requirements. The method of sticking steel plate is only reinforcing steel bar, while the method of external sticking steel is a more comprehensive strengthening method. (Refer to Chapter 9 of GB50367-2013 "Code for Design of Reinforcement of Concrete Structures": Sticking Steel Plate Reinforcement Method)

3.5 The glue used is different. According to the reinforcement principle of the external-bonded section steel method, it can be known that the steel glue is injected into the gap between the section steel and the reinforced member with a high-pressure syringe, so the steel glue is used. The method of sticking steel plates is to use steel glue to stick steel on the surface of the member to be reinforced.

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