Carbon Fiber Reinforced Concrete | Horse Construction

Carbon Fiber Reinforced Concrete | Horse Construction

carbon fiber manufacturer

Carbon Fiber Reinforced Concrete | Horse Construction

Since carbon fiber is characterized by increased strength, sufficient flexibility and ease of use, the use of carbon fiber is one of the most reasonable methods in terms of saving time and cost.

One of the most suitable materials for processing carbon fiber is concrete. It is reinforced with various carbon fiber materials, such as carbon fiber sheet, plate and grid. The reinforcement itself depends on the specific location:

By bonding these materials to the most stressed areas of the structure, floors and beams can be reinforced-all types of materials are suitable for this. The purpose of this enhancement is to increase the overall carrying capacity of the structure.

When strengthening the structural beam, it may also be necessary to strengthen the support area, usually using a paste made of tape and a mesh support area made of carbon fiber. This reinforcement helps to increase the load-bearing structure under the action of lateral forces.

By sticking the structural column with tape or net in a strictly limited direction (lateral direction), the strength of the structural column can be enhanced, thereby achieving the effect of restraining the deformation of the concrete in the carbon fiber reinforced direction.

This type of work, such as reinforcing concrete with carbon fiber, requires careful preparation: the surface of the structure itself and the materials needed for reinforcement. Therefore, the construction and installation work must be carried out by specially trained professionals.

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