Relationship Between Structural Reinforcement And Building

Clarify The Relationship Between Structural Reinforcement And Building

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Structural reinforcement is to take measures to strengthen, partially replace or adjust the internal force of load-bearing structures, components and related parts that are insufficiently reliable or that the owner requires to improve their reliability. Make it have the current design specifications and the safety, durability and usability required by the owner.

Therefore, building structure reinforcement is an industry that is proactive, improves stability, and improves safety index.

So what is the relationship between reinforcement and construction? The following editor will make an easy-to-understand analogy.

For a building, "reinforcement" can be a doctor who helps the building to heal stubborn diseases and make it return to normal work as soon as possible; "reinforcement" can also be a fitness trainer to help the building keep fit and meet the needs of higher-intensity work.

So don’t be afraid when everyone sees "building structure reinforcement", it may just remind you to exercise! Secondly, there are many reasons for building reinforcement, which can be divided into the following 8 types:

1. The standard used in the design process is too low to meet the user's requirements for the function of the house.

2. There are conceptual errors in the design, such as errors in the calculation process, incomplete design considerations and defects, etc.

3. Change the purpose of the components. For the convenience of the drawings during construction, the components used in some positions are not in conformity with the standard, which makes the component load overload.

4. In order to meet some purposes, the building is renovated casually, changing the original function of the building. For example, increase the number of floors of the house, increase the load of the house, and so on.

5. Due to the limitation of construction level and construction conditions, for some problems in the design, only by changing the parameters and other means to reduce the defects of the building, the fundamental problem has not been solved. Or the quality of the building material itself is not enough. In the later use, the building structure and construction components have problems, and they cannot be used for a long time.

6. Due to the environmental problems of the house, the performance of the components or structure ages in advance. The most obvious example is that the wooden structure was damaged by termites, which reduced the mechanical properties of the structure and had to reinforce the house.

But I have to admit that compared with other items, the "construction defect" is particularly dazzling. After all, in many collapse accidents, the probability caused by improper construction remains high. This is a lesson of blood and tears. At the same time, it also makes the public talk about "reinforcement" in discoloration. It all comes down to the quality of the building.

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Now that the cause of the misunderstanding has been found, we will understand and solve it from the source. Unlike natural disasters, which are uncontrollable factors, many construction defects are completely avoidable, and insufficient concrete strength is one of the common problems.

The main reasons leading to insufficient concrete strength are the quality of raw materials, improper concrete mix ratio, and concrete construction technology problems. This is a long story. Today we will mainly talk about improper concrete construction.

1. Improper pouring method

For example, the concrete has initially set during pouring, and the concrete has segregated before pouring, etc., which can cause insufficient concrete strength.

2. The template is seriously leaking

Due to improper installation of the formwork, the mortar was lost, and the concrete appeared honeycomb, pockmarked surface, and exposed tendons.

Three. Forming vibration is not compact

After the concrete is put into the mold, if the vibration is not compact, it is easy to cause voids, which will inevitably affect the strength of the concrete.

4. Poor maintenance system

The main reason is that the temperature and humidity are not enough, the lack of water and drying in the early stage, or the early freezing, resulting in low concrete strength.

For buildings with insufficient concrete strength, the relevant departments and inspection agencies are requested to conduct inspection and analysis at the first time. If they cannot be remedied, they must immediately stop using them and demolish them for reconstruction. If the strength is acceptable, it can be reinforced and repaired. Common concrete reinforcement methods include carbon fiber cloth reinforcement, bonded steel reinforcement, and filling and grouting reinforcement.

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