Drumbar Phenomenon During Carbon Fiber Reinforcement?

Drumbar Phenomenon During Carbon Fiber Strengthening Reinforcement?

Carbon Fiber Strengthening Reinforcement

How to avoid and deal with carbon fiber -fiber -fixed drums? I believe that all of the projects understand that the problem of drumming in the reinforcement of adhesive carbon fiber cloth structure is usually unusual. But I do n’t know if you have a de -structural analysis and summary, what is the possibility of the drum bag?

Under normal circumstances, the main reasons for everyone's experience to cause drum bags are the following five aspects:

1. When pasteting, polish and polish the cement concrete is not upset;

2. Carbon fiber reinforcement and adhesion is uneven, and the scraper does not completely discharge the air when scraping;

3. Different thickness of carbon fibrous glue;

4. After the carbon fiber reinforcement paste is completed, the surface of the surface is not uniform;

5. Product quality problems of carbon fiber reinforcement, such as hard and tightly weaving.

We know that the main cause of carbon fiber to lift the bubble drum can be treated and dealt with correctly. Most of the drum bags in the vast majority are caused by incomparable brushes, causing the air to be caused by it completely, so that we can adopt different solutions based on the area of the drum.

First, if the area of the drum is large, you can cut off the drum. Note that the cut part of it needs to be cut off, and then use the repair glue to repair the flat, so as not to paste the drum, and then the carbon fiber reinforcement paste is performed. At least 20 cm should be overlap. When the scraper is scraped, roll back and forth to ensure that the air is completely discharged. Glores should be evenly brushed.

Second, if there is a small area of drum packs, you can use a needle injection. If the needle is injected in, this method can also be used, but this method is generally less adopted.

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