Matters needing attention in carbon fiber reinforcement

carbon fiber reinforcement construction

carbon fiber reinforcement construction

Carbon fiber reinforcement has the outstanding characteristics of simple construction process, no need to interrupt traffic, short construction period, obvious reinforcement effect, and resistance to harsh environments. To ensure the quality of reinforcement, the following issues should be paid attention to during construction:

(1) The humidity control of the concrete surface to be reinforced. Generally, epoxy resin can be used in humid environment, and the relative humidity should not be higher than 85%. However, the environmental humidity on the construction site is difficult to control, and it is not easy to measure. If you cannot fully grasp it, you must choose a resin that can be used under high humidity conditions.

(2) The construction performance of epoxy resin. The main bonding material of carbon fiber is resin. The primer resin must penetrate into the concrete, so the viscosity must be low and it must not harden too quickly. The bonding resin must be able to fully penetrate the carbon fiber material, and the viscosity must not be too high. But it must be attached to the surface of the carbon fiber so that the resin has enough time to penetrate into the carbon fiber material. The viscosity should not be too low to cause sag. Therefore, the viscosity of the resin should be carefully selected to achieve the best effect.

(3) Storage and transportation of carbon fiber sheets. The site environment of the construction site is usually poor, the material storage conditions are difficult to master, or the temperature of the container cannot be controlled during the transportation process, if the carbon fiber material contains the wood in the high temperature environment, it will mature during the storage or transportation process, resulting in the adhesion of the wood. It cannot penetrate into the carbon fiber material, the combination is not complete, and the reinforcement effect cannot be exerted. Therefore, carbon fiber materials that do not contain wood should be used as much as possible, and if they are used, care should be taken to ensure their transportation and storage conditions.

(4) Ensuring the arrangement direction of carbon fiber. Generally, the construction conditions of the project are not good. It is necessary to ensure that the fibers are arranged in the same direction after the carbon fiber is pasted, which is not easy to master during the construction. Instead, it is maintained by the structure of the carbon fiber cloth itself. Generally, when manufacturing carbon fiber cloth, it is necessary to consider how to make the carbon fiber cloth maintain a certain direction after handling, unfolding, cutting and pasting.

(5) Reduce the phenomenon of "hollowing" after carbon fiber paste. The emergence of "empty drums" is inevitable. Mainly due to the unevenness of the pasting surface (concrete honeycomb, pitted surface, depression, protrusion, etc. on the surface of the component) and the failure of all the air between the fiber sheet and the resin to escape during the pasting operation. Therefore, when all the processes are completed, a certain amount of air bubbles will remain inside, resulting in the production of "hollow drums" under the effect of temperature. The inspection method can be used to determine the number and scope of the "empty drum" by tapping the sound with a small hammer. Carry out "emptying" treatment within 3.0 h to 1 d after coating. The specific repair method depends on the actual situation. You can use the method of injecting epoxy resin, the method of cutting people with a cutter to fill the resin, or the method of cutting off the defective part and pasting again.

(6) The content of prepreg in carbon fiber materials. Some carbon fiber materials used for structural reinforcement contain prepreg wood. Its function is to make the fibers constrain and bond each other into a common force-bearing whole, but its content is too much and the impregnation is too thick, but it is not conducive to reinforcement. Because the carbon fiber reinforced concrete structure is completed by the repeated penetration of the carbon fiber material when the epoxy resin is coated and coated. If there are too many stings in the prepreg resin in the fiber, the penetration effect of the resin when bonding the carbon fiber material will be poor, which directly affects the construction quality.

(7) The wire breakage control of carbon fiber sheet. Since the carbon fiber filament is only 7 µm, it is easy to break the filament. Therefore, the breakage of the carbon fiber filaments is minimized. The continuity and integrity of the fiber sheet is an important parameter to ensure the final reinforcement effect. Special attention should be paid to this during construction.

(8) Guarantee of pasting materials. In order to ensure the bonding quality, there are different requirements for the wood used for the reinforcement of different parts of the concrete structure, and the wood performance used under different seasons and different temperature conditions is also different. Which tree cool you choose must meet the requirements of the above-mentioned different functions.

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