Repair ancient buildings with carbon fiber reinforced polymer

Repair ancient buildings with carbon fiber reinforced polymer, don’t let cultural relics be destroyed in our generation

Repair ancient buildings with carbon fiber reinforced polymer

Ancient architecture is a product of historical culture and has extremely high research value. How to preserve the historical value and aesthetic value of ancient buildings is a problem that needs attention in the restoration and reinforcement of ancient buildings. The restoration and reinforcement of ancient buildings require strong professional skills. The restoration process should combine the basic principles of restoration and reinforcement of ancient buildings to enhance the level of specialization and enhance the value of ancient buildings.

1. The significance of restoration and reinforcement of ancient buildings

Due to the different construction methods of the domestic ancient buildings, the structure has a certain specificity, and there is a big difference from the western ancient buildings. For example, the ancient buildings in the west mostly use stone structure, while the ancient buildings in my country use more wood. Therefore, when restoring ancient buildings, pay attention to the special structure of the original buildings. At the same time, the restoration must ensure that the ancient buildings will not undergo major changes in the future, and the ancient buildings can withstand the erosion of wind and rain. Wooden structure The repair and reinforcement process of ancient buildings is relatively complicated, so the repair technology should also focus on innovation, and the repair method needs to be continuously improved. Restoration and reinforcement should be based on the long-term preservation of ancient buildings. By restoring and strengthening ancient buildings, it is beneficial for future generations to leave valuable wealth.

2. The principles of restoration and reinforcement of ancient buildings

2.1 Focus on keeping it as it is

  In the restoration and reinforcement of ancient buildings, the primary criterion is to restore the original appearance of the building to the utmost. Therefore, a detailed survey should be carried out before construction to fully analyze the structure of the building and determine the current status of each part. The determination of the restoration plan must fully understand and grasp the true features of the history of ancient buildings. For ancient buildings with hard-to-obtain information, relevant information can be obtained from similar buildings, and the construction methods and construction techniques at that time are combined with the construction time of ancient buildings to obtain a variety of information about ancient buildings.

2.2 Restoring to its original state

Many ancient buildings have been built for a long time, and have experienced many generations in the development of history. After many restorations in the changes of the times, the artistic value of the buildings will be lost. For the restoration and reinforcement of such ancient buildings, it is necessary to fully analyze their residual value, and the original destructive repairs must be restored to their true state as much as possible. The restoration can restore its original appearance and reproduce its original state.

2.3 By convention

Some ancient buildings have undergone development in different years, and their current state has been recognized by the general public. This type of architectural form has become a local symbol. In this case, it is necessary to maintain the original image of the ancient building, and there is no need to excavate its original shape. Therefore, the restoration and reinforcement of the ancient building should also retain its current status.

3. Method for repairing and strengthening ancient buildings

unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced polymer

Generally speaking, ancient buildings are all wooden structures. The first thing to do before using carbon fiber reinforced polymer reinforcement is to repair the damaged wood on the wooden posts and beams. The possible diseases of the wood are: 1. decay; 2. worms; 3. cracking. Therefore, before strengthening, first replace the diseased wood. The decayed and moth-eaten wood should be replaced, and the cracked can be determined according to the situation. If it can be used continuously, epoxy structural adhesive is used to repair the cracks to ensure its integrity.

The basic wood problem is complete. The next step is carbon fiber cloth reinforcement. Due to its strong geometric plasticity and light weight, carbon fiber cloth is very suitable for the reinforcement of ancient buildings. For the column, you can use carbon fiber cloth to wind along the direction of its grain. After winding, use wood color paint to paint, which can achieve a perfect fusion.

As for the house beams, carbon fiber cloth U-shaped hoops are used, and lateral bead or carbon fiber U-shaped hoops are installed on both sides of the critical area of concentrated load. The setting of U-shaped hoops should be pasted strictly in accordance with the calculation rules of technical engineering quantities. After the paste is also applied, the wood color paint is applied to achieve a perfect fusion.

Nowadays, there are still many ancient buildings in urgent need of protection on the motherland. Horse's unidirectional fiber cloth has been dedicated to helping protect ancient buildings, and has participated in the repair and reconstruction of the famous Wuxi Lingshan Brahma Palace and Nanjing Presidential Palace. Because we know that correct and reasonable repairs and reinforcements can enable our next generation to see the glory of the motherland's culture.

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